tabular alumina中文什么意思

发音:   用"tabular alumina"造句
  • tabular:    adj. 1.板(状)的;扁平的;薄 ...
  • alumina:    n. 【化学】矾土,铝氧土。
  • alumina tabular:    片状刚玉
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  1. In the process of making 95 alumina ceramics , selected five kinds of alumina powder and studied the influence of different alumina powder on the sintering properties and mechanic properties of 95 alumina ceramics , moreover , selected the most agreeable alumina powder according to the apparatus for granularity analysis and scanning electron microscope ( sem ) . the influence of different sintering temperature on the sintering mechanic properties , the microstructure of 95 alumina ceramics were investigated by adding y2o3 and la2o3 as two kinds of rare earth additives in alumina ceramics . the results indicated that the additive of la2o3 could improve the properties of 95 alumina ceramics more effectively and could get fine grain and tabular alumina that can enhance the strength of the material
    选用了五种al2o3粉料,研究了其对95al2o3瓷烧结性能和力学性能的影响,并结合粒度分析仪sem对al2o3粉料进行优选;通过添加y2o3 、 la2o3两种稀土添加剂,研究了不同烧成温度对95al2o3瓷的烧结性能、力学性能及显微结构等的影响,结果表明:添加la2o3可以有效提高95氧化铝瓷烧结性能和力学性能,形成细晶和板状氧化铝瓷的显微结构;通过对比不同氧化铝粉料制备氧化铝瓷烧成温度曲线与烧结性能的关系,确定最佳的烧成温度范围为1570 ~ 1600 。


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